The Perception Series is for children grades 2nd through 6th. Its purpose is to provide parents and educators texts they can use to springboard conversations on tough topics. As with all our children's books, this series contains questions and extension activities.
All submissions must be sent to: submissions@inklingspublishing.com
Current Submission status:
Be sure to check our social media pages and official site often for further publishing opportunities.

Submission Benefits
Submissions should be no more than 7000 words long and must involve volume’s theme in some way. All genre’s welcome – both fiction and nonfiction.
Author’s may submit up to 3 stories for publication consideration
Poetry is also welcome. You may submit between 5 and 10 poems.​
Formatting Your Email
The subject line should read -- Query: Manuscript Submission (Perceptions Title)
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be no more than 7000 words long and must involve volume’s theme in some way. All genre’s welcome – both fiction and nonfiction.
Author’s may submit up to 3 stories for publication consideration
Poetry is also welcome. You may submit between 5 and 10 poems.​
Your Query
Your Query of email should contain:
your legal name; pen name (if applicable)
phone number
approximate word count
Attach MS as a .docx or .doc document.
A 500-word synopsis should be included as an attachment as well as the first two chapters of the completed manuscript with your submission.
Manuscripts should be double-spaced with paragraphs indented using word styles (not tabbed). All manuscripts must use Arial or Courier font, have page numbers and use 12 pt font for your text. The header should contain:
the title of the work
author's last name,
page numbers in the right-hand corner.
Any work submitted that does not follow these criteria will be automatically rejected. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please allow 90 days for receiving a response before inquiring as to the status of your submission.
Revision Phase
If your submission is selected to enter phase 2, you will be contacted during that time period.
During this phase, you will be assigned an editor and work with them to revise and re-submit your work. Your assigned editor will send revision suggestions. You will be able to dialogue with them concerning these so that the final submission is strengthened. Inklings Publishing respects an author’s choice not to change their work, and final decisions on how the work is resubmitted remain the prerogative of the author.
All revised submissions must be received by the assigned revision deadline. Editors will re-read the revised work and make the final selections. Authors selected for inclusion in the volume will be contacted with contracts and further details of the publication process for the corresponding volume.