Inklings Publishing accepts both unsolicited and agented manuscripts. Inklings is a small press on the lookout for work in all genres of fiction. Inklings Publishing is willing to consider science fiction, fantasy, romance, realistic fiction with cultural settings or diverse subject matters, and all sub-genres relevant to these categories. We do not accept manuscripts of nonfiction, poetry, and memoir. At this time, Inklings is not accepting picture book submissions. However, Inklings Children's Division is interested in middle grade and young adult novels of any and all genres and sub-genres.
All submissions must be sent to: Inklingsacquisitions@outlook.com
Current Submission status:
Be sure to check our social media pages and official site often for further publishing opportunities. Consider submitting to our short story calls for our Eclectic Writing Series and Perceptions Anthologies which open bi-annually.

Formatting Your Email
The subject line should read -- Query: MS Genre (Author Last Name, First Initial)
Submission Guidelines
Your query should be in the body of the email and contain:
your legal name; pen name (if applicable)
phone number
approximate word count
social media links (all of the sites you are active on)
short description of the novel
Attach only the first three chapters of your MS as a .docx or .doc document.
A full synopsis, no longer than two pages double spaced, should be included as an attachment as well.
Should we be interested in the work, we will request the full Manuscript at a later date.
Manuscripts should be double-spaced with paragraphs indented using word styles (not tabbed). All manuscripts must use Arial or Courier font, have page numbers and use 12 pt font for your text. The header should contain:
the title of the work
author's last name,
page numbers in the right-hand corner.
Any work submitted that does not follow these criteria will be automatically rejected. Thank you for your cooperation.
Submissions will be read after the window closes. Reading period will be July through September; responses will be sent as we process your work, starting in July. All responses should go out by mid-October the latest. Please do not inquire after your submission before that time. All submissions will receive a response.
Please allow 90 days for receiving a response before inquiring as to the status of your submission.